The 10th Southwest Gay & Lesbian Film Festival

Identity for a film festival in New Mexico, USA (competition entry).

The solution here is typografical with a combination of letters that nods kindly to Saul Bass' classic movie poster for West Side Story from 1961. West Side Story is a Romeo and Juliet story about a couple in love, that belongs to two rivaling gangs. Similar themes are seen at the Southwest Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, in films about the conditions and social norms of love relationships.

On the posters, the main subject is the big X. It symbolizes that the festival is the 10th in the series. At the same time, it implies a meeting – whether the meeting is full of love or conflicts.

The design is inspired by Saul Bass’ classic movieposter for West Side Story from 1961.

Saul Bass also created the title sequence for West Side Story and was one of the most high-profile designers of the 1950s and 1960s. He also designed the posters and titles for The Man With the Golden ArmVertigo and Anatomy of a Murder, as well as logos for AT&T, United Airlines, Minolta and others.


Creative Direction


Copernicus: Website and Identity


Det Rygende Spejl: Editorial Design